In partnership with:

Guarantee a school
with well-being for your school community.

Available until August 15th.

Interested in promoting the Welbin Index with other schools?

The Welbin Index version 2023 is free and includes:

Overall Welbin Index Score: School compliance with international standards on school health and well-being practices.

Level of compliance with best practices in mental health; school climate and inclusion; nutrition and healthy living; sexuality and gender; safety.

Opportunity to access a detailed report and action plan.

Schools that promote well-being:

Improve academic performance.

Lower their incidents of school violence.

Improve the life satisfaction of students and teachers.

This is how you can get your school’s report

and answer the questionnaire.

Get your immediate result and key well-being indicators.
Access a detailed report and action plan.
See the results of the Welbin Index for your country and learn about the best experiences.

More than 4,500 schools have measured their well-being conditions and practices with the Welbin Index.


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